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Heat Wave Page 10

He chuckled. “Go change and let’s swim.”

  “All right, but this isn’t the end of the matter.”

  She crossed the hall to the pink bedroom, closing the door behind her. The overhead ceiling fan revolved slowly, stirring a delicious breeze. Tossing away her straw hat, she stripped off her clothes and quickly showered in the adjoining bathroom. After she’d dried off she looked skeptically at the

  two tiny pieces of red, green, yellow, and blue material she was supposed to wear to swim.

  Who had sold him that suit? She wished she had her simple one-piece black one.

  Sighing, she picked up the halter and tied it on. It was too big and she wondered what size he thought she was until she pulled on the bikini bottom, which was too small.

  Tugging it into place, she gazed at her reflection in the mirror while she tried to tie the halter more securely around her. Too big on top and too small on the bottom. At least his concept of her was flattering.

  Too much bare midriff showed. She twisted and made a face at the gaudy stripes stretched tightly across her bottom. The suit barely covered the necessary regions and she didn’t want to parade herself in front of the three men in it. But the thought of swimming in cool water was too inviting to pass up. She crossed the hall and rapped on Cole’s open door.

  When no one answered, she looked inside. “Cole?”

  The room was empty and she walked over to the window. From there she could see the pool. Cole was standing at its edge, Grant was poised on the end of the divingboard, and Ted’s red hair glistened in the pool.

  Looking back at Cole she felt that familiar twist the. sight of him could stir. From his gorgeous blue eyes, down his lean body and long, muscular legs, the man was too handsome! And too much fun.

  “Watch it, O’Neil,” she muttered and turned to his closet. Inside a row of shirts hung together, organized and neat. She pulled down a long-sleeved blue cotton dress shirt and slipping into it, stepped in front of the full-length mirror.

  It hung to mid-thigh, the cuffs draped over her wrists, and it covered everything she wanted covered. Satisfied, she left to join the men.

  The moment she stepped through the gate and closed it behind her, she suspected Cole had been waiting for her. He sat at the deep end of the pool, his fingers curled over the edge, legs dangling in the water. Ted and Grant were both swimming.

  She saw Cole’s quick appraisal of her as she walked toward a chair. The setting was very familiar—the chaise Cole had been sunbathing on on that fateful day, the blue cordless phone on a small table beside it.

  She put her towel down carefully, avoiding looking at Cole. She knew he was waiting for her to take off his shirt. A movement caught her attention and she turned to find him standing only a few feet away, his arms folded over his chest. It was just as much effort to keep her gaze from straying from his face to the rest of his tantalizing body as it had been during their first meeting.

  “How does the suit fit?” he asked.

  She waggled her fingers. “So-so.”

  They stared at each other in silence.

  “You’re blushing,” Cole remarked after a minute.

  “Well, you’re embarrassing me. Don’t study me that way.”

  His blue eyes danced with glee. “I can’t wait! I’ve been dreaming about this moment since I handed over the money for the suit.”

  “I may go back and dress.”

  He laughed. “Come on, take off my shirt.”

  “All right, but stop staring.” She shrugged out of his shirt, ignoring his low whistle.

  “It fits, doesn’t it?”

  “A little tight over the nether regions …” She walked to the pool, and stepped off the edge, dropping straight into the cold, refreshing water.

  Within seconds she found Cole swimming beside her, his long strokes matching hers as she swam the length of the pool. After eight laps, as they faced each other momentarily, he grinned. “How long can you keep up this pace?”

  “Until I’m exhausted. I love to swim.”

  His grin widened and he swam alongside her as they continued the laps. When her muscles began to ache, she slowed, struggling to finish the lap until finally, inches away from the diving board, she caught the edge of the pool and stopped, panting for breath.

  Cole treaded water beside her. “I thought maybe you hoped to drown me.”

  He didn’t sound winded at all. She gulped for air. “You didn’t have to swim with me.”

  “I wanted to. That’s why I bought the suit.”

  “I want to pay for it.”

  “It’s a gift.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Stay and have dinner. I’ll take you home.”

  “I can’t.” Be positive, she reminded herself. Firm. “I’m racing to get my text done this summer. I have to make my July deadline. School starts again in August, so I can’t be late getting this finished. I hope to have this new text out to follow my first one, go a step farther.”

  He swam closer, his leg brushing hers while he rested both hands on the edge of the pool, on either side of her. “You must have quite a bit of faith in your method.”

  She hardly heard what he said. “I’ve seen the results of it,” she answered, more breathless than before. “I think everyone should be able to read. If they don’t like it or don’t care to—that’s each person’s decision, but they should have that choice. You’re getting too close.”

  “If we were alone, I’d be closer,” he said in a low drawl that started shivers up and down her spine.

  Grant splashed noisily nearby. “This is fantastic!” he shouted.

  “Good,” Cole answered over his shoulder. “Feel free to use the pool anytime you’re here.”


  Grant ducked beneath the surface and swam away. Cole’s attention returned to Marilee.

  “One evening shouldn’t put a kink in your schedule,” he said in a low, seductive voice.

  “Thanks, no.” She was determined not to give in again. “I have to meet my deadline or I won’t get to go on the cruise and I won’t have my second book ready for the fall term a year from now.” She couldn’t think of anything with him inches away, with his leg brushing between hers. “It’s imperative … umm, you’re too close.”

  “What’s imperative?”

  She couldn’t remember. “Where’s your nephew?”

  “Henry’ll be here this afternoon.” A warm note entered his voice. “He’s something else. He attracts dirt like a magnet does metal filings. If he gives you a hard time, let me know.”

  “He won’t.”

  “He’s had some problems at home. Besides moving so much, his mother has had two divorces. Henry’s father lives in Wyoming.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Want to see who can touch bottom first?”

  “It might be safer than what we’re doing now.”

  “Oh? We’re not doing anything.”

  “Let’s touch the bottom of the pool.” She took a deep breath and sank. Cole went with her, his arms closing around her while he pulled her close for one moment. The touch of his almost nude body, wet and warm against hers, exploded longing in Marilee.

  Wriggling free, she shot to the surface. Cole’s head broke water a few feet away. “Chicken. You didn’t touch.”

  “Oh, yes, I did.” And her heart still pounded from the contact with him.

  Ted climbed out of the pool and called to them, “I’m eating lunch now. Anyone want to join me?”

  “Yes,” Marilee said thankfully. “Soon it’ll be time to get back to scraping.” Anything to fight the wild longing for Cole.

  Cole grinned at her. “Don’t you know all work and no play made Jack a dull boy?”

  “But not Marilee. I thrive on it. That’s my life.” She slipped below the surface, shutting out his retort as she swam past him under water to the side of the pool. Climbing out, she ignored all three men while she
hurried to the chair and pulled on Cole’s shirt.

  Ted munched a sandwich, and pointed to a brown sack on the table. “There’s your lunch, Marilee. I brought all the bags from the car.”


  Grant toweled off and moved to sit in the shade on the concrete beside them, pulling his black metal lunchbox in front of him.

  Cole came up swiftly at the end of the pool, water splashing off his brown body. For an instant, Marilee felt a lurch in the middle of her stomach. Cole’s hard body glistened in the sunlight, muscles rippling, the tight black trunks molding his trim hips.

  She dropped her gaze to her brown paper sack, not even looking up when Cole offered them cold drinks. Grant and Ted asked for beer, and she asked for a soda. Cole went into the house and when he returned, dressed in jeans, he was carrying a tray with the cans of cold drinks, a large plate of deviled eggs, a mound of potato chips, and warm chocolate brownies.

  He placed the tray on a blue wrought-iron table within reach of everyone, then dropped down to sit cross-legged beside Marilee. The men chatted while Marilee ate her peanut butter and jelly sandwich, trying to ignore the light pressure of Cole’s knee against hers.

  When he was through eating, Grant rose and stretched. His golden body was fit and strong from wrestling. Glancing at him, Marilee wondered again why she could study him without a tremor, yet a mere glimpse of the lean hard torso beside her sent her pulse into high gear.

  Quickly finishing her sandwich, she left to change her clothes. She hung her damp suit over the rack in the bathroom and dressed again in her cut-offs and work shirt. She stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, then halted abruptly when she saw Cole. He was leaning negligently against the doorjamb, still dressed only in jeans.

  “How long have you been here?”

  He smiled and walked into the room, closing the door behind him.

  “Oh, no!” she whispered, but she didn’t—couldn’t—back away.

  “Oh, yes.” His arms slid around her waist. “One kiss won’t ruin your day. Come here.”

  He pulled her to him. His skin smelled faintly of chlorine and water, his breath had the slightest tinge of spearmint. With the first pressure of his lips on hers, Marilee’s banked desire burst into flame, and she pulled his head closer.

  Heated, moist, a reminder of the ecstasy they’d found before, his mouth teased hers, brushing her lips, stirring sensations that built like boiling storm clouds. Emotions churned within her as his tongue met hers, seeking response, giving pleasure. Each stroke, each bit of pleasure added to the tension, the charged atmosphere, the threatening deluge of passion. The tip of his tongue lazed over the roof of her mouth, causing wild sensations.

  Holding tightly to her last shred of common sense, she reluctantly stepped out of his embrace, her hands resting lightly on his forearms. “That’s enough. Cole.”

  “Is it really, Marilee?”

  “Yes. When I look at you all I can see is a threat. Don’t pressure me. Grant and Ted are waiting.”

  His blue eyes were smoldering. “Why don’t you stop fighting what you feel? Enjoy life, enjoy your body. You’re struggling against something marvelous and natural.”

  His words stung. She held back so little; he held back so much. “What are you fighting, Cole? You give your body willingly, but what about your heart? Do you allow the emotion in your heart to surface?”

  He blanched with such a look of pain she wished she could take back the words. “I learned a long time ago how to take care of myself, Marilee,” he answered flatly. The barriers were up. She could almost hear them click into place as a shuttered look hid his feelings. He turned for the door. “Henry will be here shortly.”

  When the door closed behind him, she felt a painful twist inside. His words had hurt and she had hurt him. She couldn’t give her body free rein with Cole without her heart going along for the ride—heading straight for calamity. He was so self-sufficient, yet just now his independence had looked painfully lonely.

  Determined not to dwell on Cole, she went back outside and climbed up her ladder again. She reminded herself it was just as well. Only three weeks until he left the farm. Three weeks and he would walk out of her life forever. She didn’t want to be his summer fling, a fleeting affair, easily forgotten. She was too vulnerable. She knew it would take very little more contact for her to be head over heels in love with the man and he wasn’t “the marrying kind.”

  Reaching the top of the ladder, she looked into the open window. She could see Cole’s king-size oak bed. a dark blue quilted spread, dark blue carpet, and the clothes he had dropped on the floor.

  Determined to avoid another encounter, she climbed down and moved her ladder away from his window. Scraping vigorously, it was only minutes before she felt as if someone had moved the thermostat to two hundred degrees. The heat was unbearable. There wasn’t a hint of breeze and the sun was beating down relentlessly.

  The back door thumped shut and she looked down to see Cole cross the patio without a glance in her direction.

  Her heart ached as she watched his straight back, the long stride. He wore a broad-brimmed black hat, jeans, a pale blue cotton shirt. He disappeared into the garage. Within a short time she heard a car start then roar away down the drive. Trying to banish nagging demons, she worked furiously.

  After awhile, she noticed Ted standing on the ground watching her.

  “If you scrape any faster,” he observed, “your arm’ll drop off.”

  “I want to finish this job.”

  “Mr. Chandler’s a nice guy, Marilee.”

  “Why’re you telling me that?”

  “He seems interested. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “You’re not.” She mopped her brow. “Now I know how a boiled lobster must feel.”

  Ted nodded. “If we don’t get rain, it’ll get worse.” He started walking away, then added, “I think Mr. Chandler’s back.” As Ted strolled around the corner of the house, Marilee could hear the car again. She tried to continue scraping, but all of herself was concentrating on Cole. She heard the back door open and shut and looked down.

  “There you are,” Cole called up to her. “Henry’s here.”

  “I’ll be right down.” Just keep calm, she told herself, although she was acutely aware that Cole was watching as she climbed down the ladder.

  “I’ll put away my things,” she said when she reached the ground, keeping her back to Cole.

  A whoop sounded around the corner and a small boy ran into view. He was a miniature of Cole with laughing blue eyes, thick brown lashes, and dark brown curly hair.

  “He looks just like you!” Marilee exclaimed.

  “Thanks,” Cole said dryly. “Henry!”

  The eight-year-old boy stopped to stare openly at Marilee. His freckled face was smudged with dirt, his short-sleeved beige cotton shirt was half in and half out of his jeans, and his torn sneakers were scuffed and untied.

  “Believe it or not, this was a clean, presentable boy when I picked him up,” Cole said. “Miss O’Neil, this is Henry Baxter. Henry, this is your teacher, Miss O’Neil.”

  “ ‘Lo.”

  Marilee smiled. “Hi, Henry. I have to put things away and then well start.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you two alone.” Cole’s gaze rested warmly on Marilee. “If you need anything, call me.”


  Henry studied some pebbles in his hand, not looking up as his uncle strolled away.

  “Want to help me?” Marilee asked the boy.

  Blue eyes met hers. “Yeah, sure.”

  She held out the scrapers and a wire brush. “You carry these and I’ll get the ladder.

  Henry’s short, grimy fingers closed around the handles and he dawdled along behind her to the truck. But by the time she had everything loaded, Henry was laughing, telling her about his new puppy. Frisky.

  After Marilee retrieved her blue denim workbag from
the truck, they moved to the shaded patio. As soon as they sat down Jada appeared with two tall glasses of lemonade and a plate of cookies. Finally, when they were alone, Marilee listened to Henry read a few pages from a storybook.

  His brow puckered and he pronounced the words slowly. When a few words didn’t make sense, she realized Henry was guessing if he didn’t recognize the word.

  Stopping him, she reached into her bag and pulled out a deck of cards made from thin cardboard, each painted with letters.

  “Do you know how to play rummy, Henry?”

  “Yep. Think so.” He pushed curls away from his face and wriggled in his chair.

  “I made these cards. See each one has a letter painted on it or a combination of letters.” She continued explaining how to play the game, using phonics to sound out the letters on the card.

  Within a few minutes Henry sat forward, the tip of his tongue showing at the corner of his mouth as he studied his cards. Gradually, he caught on to the game and began to play with more ease. After a time they changed to another game involving phonics.

  Finally Marilee glanced at her watch. “It’s time to quit. Let’s total the last score.” She added quickly while Henry leaned against her back and watched. His thin body was a light pressure against her shoulder and he smelled faintly of rubber and unwashed gym shoes.

  “Hey, you won!” she said. “One hundred and three points to my ninety-eight.”

  He grinned. “We gonna play tomorrow?”

  “Sure will.”

  He touched a red curl on her neck. “You smell good.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You Uncle Cole’s new girl friend?”

  “Henry!” Cole pushed the back screen door open and stepped outside, his black boots showing beneath frayed jeans. “Time’s up, Henry. Miss O’Neil has to go. Her friends are loading their equipment on the truck.”

  Marilee watched in silence as Cole walked to within a few feet of them and hooked his hands in his broad leather belt.

  “Can I ride Blaze now, Uncle Cole?” Henry asked.

  “Sure. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Henry started across the patio, but Cole’s voice stopped him. “Henry!”

  The boy jerked his head in Marilee’s direction. “Oh. Bye, Miss O’Neil.”